> Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs & Sugar industry

About Us

The Ministry of Sugar Industry was established as a new Ministry in 2011 to develop policies and implement reforms through various capital projects that benefit over 12,500 active cane farmers.

The establishment of a dedicated Ministry provides an enabling environment for direct efficient delivery of services to the stakeholders, cane districts and sectors in sugarcane belt areas.

The adoption of ‘professional’ service delivery by the Ministry promotes maximum sugarcane and sugar production annually through increased investments in cane farming, research & development, harvesting, transportation, milling and marketing opportunities to increase income for both growers and miller.

Through these projects, the Ministry provides subsidies and grant assistance to reduce input costs of cane production, plant cane to increase cane production and yield, upgrade cane access roads to enhance efficiency in transportation, promote farm mechanization to improve land preparation and harvesting systems, transfer and promote adoption of modern technologies and encourage sustainable land management to mitigate climate resilient.

The Ministry of Sugar Industry is responsible for implementing key policies and plans consistent with Government programs to achieve higher economic growth whilst ensuring tangible sustainability of Fiji’s sugar industry.

For more information, please click here to visit our Facebook Page.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a modern, economically viable and sustainable sugar industry in Fiji.

Our Mission

To ensure the successful implementation of sugar cane reforms and ensure timely, effective and efficient delivery of services to relevant stakeholders for a viable sugarcane industry.