Bula Vinaka & Warm greetings
As a new Minister of Sugar Industry, I am honored to lead the sugar industry. Being a cane farmer and possessing wealth of sugar industry knowledge, the industry is always at my heart and will be my primary objective in my term as Minister responsible, to ensure the steady forward progress and sustainability of the sugar industry.
There are numerous challenges faced by the industry that contributed to its diminishing performance for the past years. These challenges requires swift and pinpointing approaches to address them given the many individuals depending directly and indirectly on the sugar industry. The industry remains a resilient one and continues to provide a stable supportive ground for the people and the national economy in catastrophic times such as incursion of Covid -19 pandemic
A consultative and collaborative approach by the six sugar institutions is fundamental for the sugar industry. I will ensure the returning of elections for Sugar Cane Growers Councilors that will emphasize the need of growers. The industry will also establish a reward system for growers to encourage them increase yield of cane and to supply green cane to the sugar mills. Furthermore, most of the legislations and guides for the sugar industry such as Master Award will be reviewed to reflect the current operating environment.
Key infrastructural improvement is required for the industry such as upgrading of rail system, more investment in mechanization on harvesting and production. The restoration of Penang mill is also in the broad plan of revamping the sugar industry. The government in collaboration with the sugar industry will work on the plan. The overall goal is to increase cane and sugar production in the coming years.
Being the government regulatory arm to the sugar industry, the Ministry of Sugar Industry ensures that right environment is created and maintained whereby the “six” sugar industry institutions and cane farmers work closely together to achieve a thriving sugar industry for Fiji.
The Ministry is committed to creating a modern, economically viable and sustainable sugar industry. It is assessing the emerging challenges facing the industry, developing and implementing innovative solutions to support sugarcane growers.
We aim to build a stronger connection between all industry stakeholders, enhance information sharing and improve our service delivery to all stakeholders.
God Bless Fiji.
Minister for Sugar Industry
Hon. Charan Jeath Singh
Bula Vinaka
Since its establishment in 2011, the Ministry, as well as the sugar industry institutions has undergone major changes, not only in the administrative aspect but in the overall role of the Ministry in spearheading the reforms in the sugar industry.
The Ministry consists of two divisions; the Planning, Research & Policy and Corporate & Operations. Our main aim is to work together with the six sugar industry institutions to create an enabling environment for these institutions as well as to assess the emerging challenges facing the industry and provide policy solutions to modernize, create economically viable and sustainable sugar industry in Fiji.
Through its annual budgetary programs, the Ministry aims to assist more than 200,000 people of Fiji that are either directly or indirectly dependent on the sugar industry. In 2019/2020 fiscal year, the Ministry has been allocated a total of $65.1 million for its ten capital project to aid sugar industry boost cane and sugar production. These programs will assist farmers with grant funds to prepare land and plant cane, provide support for procurement of inputs through fertilizer and weedicide subsidies, upgrading of cane access roads and cartage assistance to enhance transportation efficiency, and provide grant funding to procure farm machineries for land preparation, and procure irrigation implements.
Grants funds are also allocated to encourage new farmers to acquire land and establish cane farms. Assistance is provided to Sugar Research Institution to conduct demonstration trials and transfer technologies and extension services to cane growers.
The Ministry’s plans, strategies and policies are in line with the National Development Plan of Fiji whereby the Ministry aims to achieve at least 3 million tons of sugarcane production by 2023. To ensure the objective is fulfilled, the Ministry seeks support from the stakeholders that are integral part of the sugar industry and assist in developing new strategies for the betterment of the industry.
The Ministry wishes to hear from you on how we can work together to achieve our vision for Sugar industry, so please feel free to send in your feedback.
Thank You.
Yogesh J. Karan
Permanent Secretary for Sugar Industry
Director Policy, Planning & Research is responsible for the unit in carrying out research, develops policies and strategies, and plans for the implementation of the policies and programs of the Ministry. The unit also provides policy and strategic advice to the management and industry institutions on issues affecting the industry.
It monitors the progress of the project implementation and analyses the achievements of goals set under each capital programs. The unit maintains statistical database to ensure reliability and validity of industry information. The unit also explores funding opportunities for the development of sugar industry and facilitates project funding through development partners.
Reshmi Kumari
Director Planning, Policy & Research
Director Operation is responsible for Corporate and Operations division. The division facilitates and provides administrative support for efficient and effective customer service to all stakeholders.
It assists in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all sugar development capital projects through consultation with relevant stakeholders and ensures good governance and compliance in the administration and deployment of funds.
Another role of this division is to attend to complaints from stakeholders. The division also collates an effective asset management and maintains proper recording systems of the capital grants executed by the Ministry.
Director Operations
Our vision is to create a modern, economically viable and sustainable sugar industry in Fiji.
To ensure the successful implementation of sugar cane reforms and ensure timely, effective and efficient delivery of services to relevant stakeholders for a viable sugarcane industry.